Puberty and Body Change
March 8, 2023

Your body is made up of several systems and organs that work together to keep you healthy. These organs helps your body to function properly and each of them have a specific role they play. Your sexual and reproductive organ is one of them. The main function of the organ is for sexual pleasure and reproduction. There are differences between the female sexual and reproductive organs and the male sexual and reproductive organs.

What are the male sexual and reproductive organs?

The male sexual and reproductive organs include the penis (prick), testicles, scrotum (blokkus) etc. The penis releases semen during sex, this contains sperm cells. It is the sperm cells that are responsible for reproduction. Urine (piss) passes out through the penis as well but not the same time with sperm. Most of the male reproductive organ is located outside the body and can be seen. The penis has a “”body”” called shaft and “”head”” which is the tip, is called glans. The size of the penis is not the same for every male, and sexual performance does not depend on penis size. There are various parts of male sex organs that has different functions.

How does the Male sex organs work?

A guy has just one hole (urethra) inside the penis where both urine (piss) and semen comes out from, but this cannot happen at the same time. As a guy, when you are sexually aroused, the penis becomes enlarged and stands out from your body. This is called an erection. Many things can cause sexual arousal and an erection. Sometimes an erection can happen when you wake up in the morning. When arousal reaches a point especially during sexual activity, you may experience a kind of pleasure known as orgasm. This process known as ejaculation, is when the semen is released out of your penis. After ejaculation, your penis may become soft again. It is possible for you to have an ejaculation without experiencing orgasm and it’s possible to also experience orgasm without ejaculation. If an erection doesn’t lead to ejaculation, the penis will normally get soft again. This differs a bit from the female sexual and reproductive organ.

What are the female sexual and reproductive organ?

Female sexual organs are both inside and outside your body. The vulva is the one seen on the outside and it is made up of the clitoris, mons pubis, and the vaginal opening (sometimes called pussy). The female reproductive organ has three main holes. The vaginal opening (pussy) is where penis penetrates during sex, where menstrual blood passes and fetus comes out during child birth. The other holes are the urethra for the passage of urine and the anus for passage of faeces. The organs inside includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or womb etc. The ovaries are two small organs which releases one egg (ovum), once in a month in a process called ovulation. The released egg moves along the fallopian tube which connect the ovaries to the uterus or womb where a fetus would grow after fertilization. It takes some days for the released egg to get to the uterus. The cervix is the narrow entrance between the vagina and uterus, it is flexible and can expand to deliver a baby that has finished growing inside the womb. The vagina is like a tube that can expand to allow the penis (prick) enter during intercourse. The hymen covers the opening of the vagina. It is a thin piece of tissue that has some tiny holes in it. The hymen may tear when you have intercourse for the first time or during sports like riding a bicycle. if it tears, it may bleed a little bit or not at all. The shape and look of the vagina is different from one girl to another, even though it has the same functions and works the same way.


How does the female sexual and reproductive organ works?

When a girl is sexually aroused her nipples may be erect. Increased blood flow to the vagina causes the clitoris to be raised a bit making it sensitive when touched. The vagina becomes wet, this fluid acts as a lubricant. sexual arousal usually begins in the brain. Your brain responds to sexy thoughts, images, affection or touching, especially your breast and genitals. When arousal reaches a point especially during sexual activity, you may experience a kind of pleasure called orgasm. This may not happen at the same time with your partner during sex, although the feeling is the usually the same. A girl’s orgasm occurs by movement of the muscles around her vagina. During sex, some girls ejaculate at orgasm. However, it is more than the one released by guys and looks like you are urinating. Not all girls have an orgasm every time they have sex. You can get pregnant if you have sex with a guy without any form of contraception. If the egg is not fertilized, it will be shed during your menstrual period which begins at puberty.



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1 Comment

  1. lilian david lilian david says:

    i learnt alot thank you for the simplified explanation on how sex organ wor

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