Pregnancy refers to the process in which a new individual (baby) develops in a woman’s womb. Pregnancy can happen the first time a guy and girl have unprotected sex (without any form of contraceptives). Getting pregnant is also called conception. As a girl, few days before your menstrual period begins, your ovaries release an ovum (egg). This point of the menstrual cycle is called ovulation. Ovulation is the right time for pregnancy to occur if you have unprotected penis to vagina intercourse with a guy. During sex, when a guy ejaculates (release/cums) inside your vagina, semen which contains millions of sperm is released into your vagina. The sperm swim into the womb and fallopian tubes. If just one sperm enters into the released egg, fertilisation occurs. If the fertilised egg attaches on the wall of the womb, conception occurs and pregnancy begins.
Changes that occurs during pregnancy, mother and baby, stomach and uterus. (diagram)
It is very possible for a girl to get pregnant even if:
• Unprotected sexual intercourse occurs at a different time during her menstrual cycle .
• The guy has not ejaculated (this is because sperm could also be present in the pre-cum, the clear fluid released from the penis before ejaculation).
• Any semen, including pre-cum, is deposited in or just outside the vagina during foreplay.
• The girl has not had an orgasm during intercourse.
• You both had unprotected sex in a standing position